Actualité publié le 23/06/2015
Inadmissible !!!!
C'est tout simplement inadmissible
Non contente de confier l'organisation de l'exposition canine mondiale 2019 a la Chine (dont on connait les gouts cynophage et leur plaisirs morbides dans certains festivals),la Fédération Cynologique Internationale envisage de confier la paternité des races Tibetaines (Shih-Tzu,Lhassa apso,Epagneul du Tibet,Terrier du Tibet et bien évidemment Dogue du Tibet) a la Chine (Tant qu'a asservir un peuple autant le spolier également de son patrimoine canin en plus de tout le reste)
et tant a continuer dans le délire,il est également envisager de leur confier les standards (ouvrant ainsi la porte a toutes les magouilles possible et inimaginables ainsi qu'a leurs immondes hybrides pour certains )
çi dessous le texte de la FCI
"A message from the FCI President Mr. Rafael de Santiago
Always attentive to the opinion of the breeders worldwide, we took note of the uproar concerning the attribution of the 2019 World Dog Show to China and to the decision regarding the country of origin of the following breeds : DO-KHYI (230), TIBETAN TERRIER (209), TIBETAN SPANIEL (231), LHASA APSO (227) and SHIH TZU (208).
Whilst we understand the concern expressed by the breeders worldwide about both situations, the FCI wishes to inform that the decision to grant the organization of the WDS 2019 to China was taken by a decision of our General Assembly where 68 countries were present or represented and by a large majority of votes, in total transparency and according to the principles of democracy internationally recognised and accepted. That decision was made on basis of a very open and complete presentation made by our Chinese member, CKU, during which our Chinese member delegation has clearly mentioned the cultural differences between China and most of the other countries in the world. The FCI sees it as an excellent opportunity to raise awareness among the Chinese population that the dog, our beloved friend, is a member of our families, a living entity and most of all Man's best Friend. May we add that China won the right to organise this WDS over several other countries, namely Spain, Germany and Croatia, in a clear victory.
C'est tout simplement inadmissible
Non contente de confier l'organisation de l'exposition canine mondiale 2019 a la Chine (dont on connait les gouts cynophage et leur plaisirs morbides dans certains festivals),la Fédération Cynologique Internationale envisage de confier la paternité des races Tibetaines (Shih-Tzu,Lhassa apso,Epagneul du Tibet,Terrier du Tibet et bien évidemment Dogue du Tibet) a la Chine (Tant qu'a asservir un peuple autant le spolier également de son patrimoine canin en plus de tout le reste)
et tant a continuer dans le délire,il est également envisager de leur confier les standards (ouvrant ainsi la porte a toutes les magouilles possible et inimaginables ainsi qu'a leurs immondes hybrides pour certains )
çi dessous le texte de la FCI
"A message from the FCI President Mr. Rafael de Santiago
Always attentive to the opinion of the breeders worldwide, we took note of the uproar concerning the attribution of the 2019 World Dog Show to China and to the decision regarding the country of origin of the following breeds : DO-KHYI (230), TIBETAN TERRIER (209), TIBETAN SPANIEL (231), LHASA APSO (227) and SHIH TZU (208).
Whilst we understand the concern expressed by the breeders worldwide about both situations, the FCI wishes to inform that the decision to grant the organization of the WDS 2019 to China was taken by a decision of our General Assembly where 68 countries were present or represented and by a large majority of votes, in total transparency and according to the principles of democracy internationally recognised and accepted. That decision was made on basis of a very open and complete presentation made by our Chinese member, CKU, during which our Chinese member delegation has clearly mentioned the cultural differences between China and most of the other countries in the world. The FCI sees it as an excellent opportunity to raise awareness among the Chinese population that the dog, our beloved friend, is a member of our families, a living entity and most of all Man's best Friend. May we add that China won the right to organise this WDS over several other countries, namely Spain, Germany and Croatia, in a clear victory.
In addition, we find it important to clarify that our Chinese member, CKU, is an FCI full member. As such, CKU has the right to ask to be the country of origin of the breeds indicated above. It is important to know that any change in a breed standard can be implemented worldwide if and only if the FCI General Committee, following recommendations of the FCI Standards and Scientific Commissions, approves it.
Nowadays, the FCI is more than ever committed to the betterment and safeguard of the Dog and to promoting its welfare, love and respect in the four corners of the world.
For the FCI and for dogs worldwide.
Rafael de Santiago
FCI President"
Pour soutenir le Tibet et ses races natives je vous invite a signer la petition
Nowadays, the FCI is more than ever committed to the betterment and safeguard of the Dog and to promoting its welfare, love and respect in the four corners of the world.
For the FCI and for dogs worldwide.
Rafael de Santiago
FCI President"
Pour soutenir le Tibet et ses races natives je vous invite a signer la petition